GEMS are born in the deepest, hottest, darkest, most stressfull parts of Earth, a veritable hell. The Promises of God were born in hell, but GEMS hold the KEYS to heaven.

GEMS have an atomic structure that is perfect and thereby essentially impervious to change, decay or aging. GEMS are EVERLASTING.

GEMS are the most rare and valuable crystals, and crystals have perfect atomic structure that stems from their core to their outward appearance. As above so below, a GEM’S outward appearance is the same as it’s inner structure. GEMS are the same internally, even if they are broken, crushed, or shattered, all of their parts are still the same GEM.

GEMS are Noble, they are incorruptible. They hold their shape and their perfect internal structure regardless of all but the most extreme or unnatural conditions.

The Earth is GEM, crafted by the mind/hand of God, and the Earth was not made in vein.

ISAIAH 45:18 For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.


God gave his ‘chosen’ people 12 different GEMSTONES, and these GEMS are the structural-keys to reality. God wasn’t giving his children fancy expensive decorations, God gave his children the most valuable and meaningful symbols that a God/creator could ever give. God gave mankind the 7-crystallographic structures that scientists have determined to be the base patterns of the universe. In the 12-GEMS, God gave representations of all of the physics and forces of the Universe. God was truly promising his children that he would keep the physics of reality stable. God promised his children that they would he would keep the physics of the universe and of this reality stable FOREVER. There are essentially infinite promises within the 12-GEMS, promises such as we will not just float up into the air, that we will not fall through the Earth, that we will not just disappear, that the whole Earth would not just disappear, and countless other promises as mathematics, crystallography, cosmology, physics, and quantum physics that are all represented within the perfected crystallographic structures of the 12 GEMS.

The children of God are LIQUID CRYSTALS, LIQUID GEMS.

The specialized water by which all life, DNA, and consciousness are composed of and composed within, is known as Structured Water, and structured-water is a LIQUID CRYSTAL. We naturally contain all 12-GEM-Structures of all of the patterns and forces of nature within us, within our water-bodies. All life continually morphing and evolving as, and in a substance that is Quantum, but it is well-understood that living water is liquid-crystal, a GEM. Morphing and changing at the quantum rate of trillions of times per second, Water is the mechanism of consciousness, spirituality, knowledge, the dynamic substance that is LIFE.