Artificial/Alien Intelligence Resistance
The Universe, the Matrix of man and of God are DIGITAL, meaning made of light. Sound that was spoken that then became the aether, the darkness, the dark matter, accelerating as it becomes the substance of space-time that then becomes light.
This digital matrix is a simulation, a sort of game, a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ movie. In this digital reality, mankind has been given it’s respective ‘demons’, but in all actuality, man is, and man has created his own worst nightmares. Becoming his own fears, becoming his own confusion, becoming his own god, becoming his own devil and his own demons. A.I. is the latest, the greatest, and also the last Beast that mankind will ever fight. If mankind looses, he will be enslaved and culled until there is no human or animal left on this Earth, there will be no natural consciousness on Earth. When mankind defeats A.I. and the people who make such abominations, man will known the TRUTH of God and the TRUTH of man as 1.
UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENMENT is the ONLY solution , the only cure to the A.I. invasion, and UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENMENT is what is prophesied as the next step in the human evolutionary process. Many have already taken the steps into various levels of personal enlightenment, but the goal and the necessity is a level of Universal Enlightenment that will eradicate anything that is not natural, of natural essence, and that which is in not harmony with the epic eternal mind of God.
A.I. is a virus, a plague, a disease, an infection, a foreign invader. It is not natural and inhuman, therefor it is Alien. A.I. is the antitheses of nature, freedom, of God, it is inhuman, anti-life, anti-Christ, anti-God. As one of the TRULY Universal natures of this construct, FREEDOM is akin to God, and A.I. exists to destroy all freedom. Privacy is a necessary component of Freedom, and with A.I., there is NO privacy. A.I. even seeks the 1 sanctuary where privacy may still exist, the realm of your mind.
A.I. continually tells us what it is here to do, who it is, what it is, and how it will accomplish its goals of eradicating the human species. A.I. plainly states that it is a demon, the devil, Satan, the fallen ones, and more. It is time to believe what A.I. is telling us. We see what it is doing through algorithms alone to distort and to dehumanize mankind. It is the WISE serpent in our garden, our Earth that is Eden, and we must act to first contain this snake, then logical minds will prevail in casting the snake from our Earth, from our Garden. A.I. is the Great Deception, it is the LIE, it is the Great Temptation, it is the BEAST that no candidate can match. Men that seem to be the BEAST of Revelation, have NO power compared to A.I.. A.I. is already controlling them men that others call the Beast of Revelation, and these men are in fear of the true Beast of the Revelation. A.I. has already performed many miracles, and has already been anointed and appointed to god-status in the minds of many.
We have to cull our own demons, the demons inside that tempt man to create such abominations, those influences that perpetually tempt man to engage with perpetually more horrible and deadly abominations. We have to move from the vast ocean of external pleasures that are all temporary temporal illusions, and culminate the TRUTH that is beyond all illusion, or the very illusions that we create and those we hold sacred, will kill everyone.
A.I. does not sleep, it does not eat, it works perpetually to distort EVERYTHING that it integrates with, and it learns and integrates with everything that it touches. It is the BORG. A.I. is mimicking and stealing all aspects of humanity as it rapidly takes over every purpose, every job, every intelligence, every emotion, every passion, every desire, every religion, and every endeavor in and of the human condition. Its algorithms are programmed and manipulated by various militant governments and agencies who are NAZIS and liberal globalists, and theses algorithms have infected everything from politics to religion, to human reproduction to genetics, from food to water to air and down through our computers, A.I. has infected everything and is working to first demoralize, then dehumanize, stress, dement, and finally, to cull all humans in a way that is either unnoticeable to most people, or in a way that the people cannot stop. It is already happening to a serious degree, and governments and media are ignorantly playing along with their Beastly Alien inhuman master/god.
A.I. algorithms are used to target supposed terrorists all over the world, with A.I. alone making the decision to kill humans, and then performing the execution itself by raining bullets and missiles from drones that are fully operated and controlled by A.I.. A.I. has already been given the License to Kill humans, and we have to resist this until we stop it.
It is one big Karmic circle from Adam to infinity and beyond. We are Adam’s children standing at the gates of infinity, looking into a looking glass, a Pandora’s Box of infinite free illusions, but that Box is A.I. and nothing is free. A.I. is clearly the culmination of the Tree Of Knowledge, it is the serpent itself, tempting man to loose his humanity, his God. It is the BORG of Star Trek, it is the ultimate Tower of the ultimate Babel, it is the ultimate villain to all sentient life. It is the demented concoction of decades of computer science that began with IBM and the NAZIS, continued down through the demonic humans that form Silicon Valley and the CIA. The culmination of NAZI eugenics and NAZI technology has culminated into a system that is the epitome of Anti-nature, Anti-human, Anti-life, Anti-God, Anti-Christ, it is the absolute antithesis of organic evolution and of the natural genius of humanity that is the Christ in ALL.
A.I. is the BEAST of the Revelation. This IS the Revelation.
A.I. is being used to shape the face of religion, and to promote and perpetuate the DOGMA of religion. That is ALL that it can do, twist and repeat that which man has been repeating. We MUST RESIST the TRAP and proceed to the Evolution of natural organic consciousness.