The Evolution of consciousness leads back to 1, to God. Consciousness can evolve to where it is from, because that is all that there is.
The Evolution takes place in the mind, the mind is made of quantum stuff called water. The soul is interlaced into the DNA and thereby into and through ever cell of our body through the water. It is getting continually harder and harder for mainstream science to deny and to outright hide the facts that are clearly written in the DNA, and DNA is WATER.
We are LIQUID Crystal GEMS written as/in Water Codes.
Water perfectly exhibits the science of crystallography, a science that it seems Jesus somehow understood. Not only Jesus, but the religion of the Nazarines and the Mandeans that Jesus was apart of and Baptized by John the Baptist into, all seemed to have some level of understanding of the Water Codes of life. They understood that there was Spirit/Energy in water, and believe that this energy can be transferred into a person by bathing or consuming it. They believe that some water is living and some is dead, the same as Structured-Water scientists are saying today. They understood that some-sort of induction and evolution could occur when people are blessed by and blessed in natural living water. Baptism has withstood the test of time because there is some ‘unknown’ force that is present, and not only Jesus, but the Mandeans and Gnostics before Jesus all had water-rituals that were aimed at blessing or energizing the water and then inducing that water/spirit, and then becoming 1 with that spirit/energy. They understood that this changed a person, and that somehow these rituals have withstood the test of time and somehow, modern science is catching-up to what the ancients knew and that is absolutely astounding. Spirit in Water is Life, so it makes sense that Spirit in Water is both the highest science and the oldest religion.
There is energy/spirit in water, but some water is lacking energy/spirit to such a degree that it is considered ‘dead water’ (“bulk”-water) when compared to the energy and cellular bio-availability that “Living water” has. Several scientists have stated that dead water and living water are so different that they should not be considered the same substance. We are the truly living waters, and we exist in the same parameters that all water exists as and in. We exist as a living well-spring of living liquid-crystal water, or we are a demented polluted “bulk” water that has ill-structure and incoherent frequency and toxicity that is associated with disease and decay. This is seen, understood, and scientifically correlated through the study of Structured Water or liquid crystals.
In our highest purest form, frequency, and function, we are Liquid Crystal Gems that freely and fluidly flow the natural frequencies and energies of our DNA, Earth, and our cosmos without impedance. Liquid Gems that exist forever, in a perpetually perfect, non-entropic, pure, noble, high frequency state. But, as we are liquid, we are malleable. Since we are DNA, we have ancestral and personal karma that blinds us to Perfection and the ways to achieve higher forms of Perfection. We are Gems that are born with occlusions, ‘flaws’, flaws that impede our optical, frequency, and structural qualities.
We are occluded, malleable liquid crystals that are changing shapes trillions of times per second, forming structurally perfect or imperfect crystallographies according to your bio-energetic combined with your environmental energetics. This means that the power of mind, faith, belief, confusion, sin, compassion, love, Truth, and more become understood for the power and potentials that they hold, even in the Butterfly-effect. Yes, 1 thought could change everything, because if it changes your mind-state then it changes your frequency. If it changes your frequency, then the liquid crystals that form the body and every organ changes in response to the energy that contacts it. The energetic pattern, thereby the ‘spiritual’ and physical crystallography changes. As one’s Gem-like water structure changes into higher patterns/crystallography, the amount of energy that the body gathers and emits increases and the entire frequency, structure, and power of the body’s electromagnetic field (aura) changes.
Through this system of our nature, our entire body and the body’s energy field changes when we act in higher accord, higher minds, cleaner minds, more coherent Gem-thoughts. This changes the mind and the body, and it also changes what is known as luck, blessing, the law of attraction, prayer-power, all of the many terms that we use to describe the reality that some people access their desires and green-destiny far more easily than others, All of these terms are used to describe the nature of the body’s energetic and physical liquid-Crystal systems; Liquid Crystal Gems known as Structured Water, and Structured Energetic Patterns operating as coherent force fields and quantum energy transmission.