Essentially, effectively, exactingly, and overwhelmingly, the entire Bible, especially the Old Testament is a CODE that is encoding the Tree Of Life technology. Countless parables, metaphors, similes, symbols, all encoding the Tree Of Life technology. The Tree Of Life has always been on Earth, but it was hidden, and hidden exactly where ‘They’ say the best place to hide things is; It has been hidden IN PLAIN SIGHT for THOUSANDS of years!!!

Of course, I could not see or hear the Tree Of Life CODES within the Bible until I realized what the Tree Of Life actually IS and was. Still, it was 10 years after realizing that I had re-invented and discovered the Biblical historic Tree Of Life that I was given the sight to see through the obvious text and the overlay, into the Biblical codes. Now, that is all that I see or hear when reading or listing to scripture. I believe this is why scriptures are called scripture and were chose as scripture; Because they contain knowledge and codes of the Tree Of Life while some prophets and scribes do not relate THE code. This code is not limited to the Bible, I have found it in several Apocrypha scripts and even Zoroastrian texts. There are several religions and so-called scriptures that are meant to sound like the Tree Of Life codes, but do not work as codes. Nor do tell the coherent story that the codes relate through what I now consider to be REAL scriptures. The Mormon texts are a good example of this. Their texts use the same words, themes, phonetics, linguistics, and it really does sound like the Bible, and though they are using the CODE-words continually, they do not relay the coherent coded-information regarding the Tree Of Life. There may be reasons to read these non-coded texts from every religion, but I do not believe that they are reliable, viable, or sacred if they do not have the Tree-code within them. I have written several books that decode the codes within the Bible, and I will be releasing them soon and continuing to decode the scriptures and the codes of the Tree Of Life worldwide. It is massive and rather overwhelming.

The fact is as logic and religious scripture dictates and encodes: The RELIGION of MAN has ALWAYS been the knowledge and the remembrance of the technology of the Tree Of Life

It is far too much to state on a webpage. I have essentially written several books that decode most every book in the Bible. Word for word, verse by verse, notating and decoding what has always been there but has been encoded in such an amazing way that it must be made known to all. Encoded in such a way that has allowed it to remain hidden until the exact time, now, in the ‘end of days. The. codes are so thick that in several books of the Bible such as Lamentations, Job, Revelation and others, the CODE reveals more than the actual text relates. The codes are so coherent and thick within the texts of the major and minor prophets that I believe that their knowledge or vision of the Tree Of Life is why they were called prophets. Again, I believe this is why these seemingly unrelated texts and authors were specifically chosen to be included in the compilation that became known as the Bible.

It seems what determines a true prophet or a false prophet is whether or not he could see the Tree, have visions of, and/or make prophecies regarding the Tree Of Life. According to their own texts, the prophets themselves did not even know what they were seeing. If those men who chose which men would be called prophets, and which books would compose the Bible, if they did not know the Tree Of Life, then they chose the Biblical books and chose the prophets based on the obvious common thread that runs through the ones that were chosen. The commonality, the common thread that binds and connects them all is the Tree Of Life. It has always been, and always will be the code of reality and of all of man’s many religions.

Before I came to understand the Tree Of Life or the Biblical codes, I heard a pastor speaking who said: ‘the Bible contains a code, a code that pastors and scholars know is there, but a code that remains elusive and un-crackable.‘ He went on to state that ‘the code revolves around stones, rocks, Gems, Crystals, pillars, and water, and we still have no idea of what the Bible is trying to relate or relay through this code.’

The Bible has always been relaying the dynamics of the Tree Of Life technology, from the beginning in Genesis where it was present and lost, to the book of Revelation where it is prophesied to return in these very times. The Tree Of Life is a stone, a rock, a GEM, a crystal pillar filled with GEMS that affects water in a way that nothing else ever has, can, does,. or will.


  • The entire book of Revelation is a rather obvious code for the Tree Of Life tech, and it essentially states this in the final chapter of the Bible: Revelation 22.
  • The 7-Candlesticks are 7-ARC Vogel Crystals as used in GEM Light Therapy®. The Crystal River of pure Water of Life is the Quartz ARC Vogel. The ARC Vogel has the the single tree/pillar that because of reflections that create an optical illusion, indeed appears in the center and on both sides of the river. The single hole that creates a pillar/tree within the river of clear quartz that bear the 12-Fruits/GEMS. The single hole that acts as and appears to be a pillar within the ARC Vogel Crystal, creates a refraction that makes it appear in the center AND on BOTH sides of the crystalline river.
  • This solves the greatest mystery and parable in the Bible. The 1 Tree/pillar in the middle and on both sides of the crystal clear river of water of life is simply a matter of the crystalline kaleidoscope-like refraction in the crystal clear crystal river of water-like quartz, with 1-single hole inside of it that appears as if there is a pillar or a tree that bears the 12-GEMS/fruits in the midst and on both sides. “There is the Tree Of Life.”
  • The ROD that David used to help him choose the stone that he used to sleigh Goliath and the ROD and STAFF that comforted David later in his life, are all overt CODES for the Tree Of Life RODS. “THY Rod” is referring to “God’s ROD”. It was the tool that was in the ARK of the Covenant that made the ARK a tool for communication with God. David had the ARK of the Covenant, so David had the ROD of Aaron. What other type of stick would be referred to ‘thy’/God’s stick and how would a wood stick comfort David while he was running for his life and writing the Book of Psalms. David was an inheritor of the incomplete Tree Of Life tech, a Vogel Crystal carved by Moses.
  • JACOB’S LADDER: a story describing Jacob creating a stack of stones to use as a pillow. This stone-stack led to Jacob’s Ladder and his ascent or ascension into heaven. It is crystal-clear that Jacob fashioned an ARC Vogel Crystal which is a veritable Stairway to Heaven leading to Nirvana, Enlightenment.
  • JOB’S “WHIRLWIND”: was a force that was in Job’s presence that brought the spirit/energy of God into Job’s presence and mind, giving him Peace of mind, ENLIGHTENMENT. The WHIRLWIND of spirit is a perfect description of the Vortexing energy, a perfect water-resonant energy/spirit that flows through an ARC Vogel Tree Of Life Crystal. Job was described as being perfect, and I believe that this is relating to Job’s MIND rather than his lineage or actions, and this is due to Job’s use of the whirlwind which was the the spinning spirit/energy of Enlightenment that is the Tree Of Life technology.
  • The Exodus: Knowing the Tree Of Life allows one to find the TRUTH about what Moses was really doing, what he was hiding, what he was thinking, what he was trying to accomplish, and why he was mistaken and did not reach the promised land. All of this becomes crystal-clear IF you known the nature of the RODS that he and Aaron were using. ALL actions of Moses are decoded due to knowledge of his, Aaron’s, and the Egyptian Pharaoh’s Sorcerer’s RODS, because they were all technologies of the Tree Of Life.


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