As I have exposed several times in several ways in my videos, upcoming books, and on this website, the Tree Of Life is synonymous with ENLIGHTENMENT, ADAM, CHRIST, EARTH, and God. The legends regarding the BUDDHA’S BODHI TREE clearly relates that it is one of countless concepts of the Tree Of Life in history, and it exposes the similitude with the Tree of Life and Enlightenment.
The BODHI Tree is called the Tree Of Life, and the BODHI Tree is said to help the seeker reach ENLIGHTENMENT, but the BODHI Tree is also called ENLIGHTENMENT. The BODHI Tree is synonymous with Buddha, and also with enlightenment, as symbols, archetypes, and even in the phonetics, linguistic, and historical references to the names Bodhi and Buddha. Some even say that Buddha did not exist, and that only the Bodhi Tree actually existed, and the legends regarding the history, the nature, and the actions of the Bodhi Tree led to the story of Buddha.
Buddha was clearly a Christ before the Christ, and just as Christ is the Tree Of Life, the Buddha was also his Tree Of Life.
Further legends state that the Bodhi Tree is rooted in DIAMONDS. Others state that the red sandstone slab between the Bodhi tree and the Mahabodhi Temple is said to have been erected by emperor Ashoka to mark the exact position where Lord Buddha sat. It is traditionally called Buddha’s vajrasana (meaning diamond throne or thunder seat). In the parables and metaphors of Revelation 22, the Tree/pillar bears the 12-fruits, and that pillar is inside of the (QUARTZ) ‘river of water of life’, and that is symbolically synonymous with Buddha sitting in front of the Bodhi Tree on sandstone (QUARTZ, which looks like diamond) in the presence of the Tree/pillar that holds the Fruits. Further, Buddha himself represented the GEM, the fruit of God as a child of God, sitting on the rock, the quartz that is the Bodhi Tree. The Tree Of Life is Jacob’s Ladder, the ARC of God, the Christ & the Buddha in everyone, the key to heaven/”NIRVANA”, the Tree Of Life technology in 1 and ALL.
The ENLIGHTENMENT was Buddha, Buddha was his Bohdi, Buddha was a Tree Of Life, Christ is ENLIGHTENMENT and Christ is the Tree Of Life.