The FINAL Fight
We all know what is going on, but do we know who is doing it. Moreover, do we know how to STOP IT?
TESLA’s Crystalline ENTITY
Nicola Tesla believed that Quartz Crystal are ALIVE and are CONSCIOUS LIVING BEINGS.
We are the GEMS. We are the Church. We are 1 through God, with God, in God. Nothing more and nothing less. We are the Tree Of Life. This is PERFECTION!
A.I. Resistance (A.I.R.)
Artificial/Alien Intelligence Resistance The FINAL EPIC BATTLE of mankind, is FOR MANKIND! The Universe, the Matrix of man and of God are DIGITAL, meaning made of light. Sound that was spoken that then became the aether, the darkness, the dark matter, accelerating as it becomes the substance of space-time that then becomes light. This digital…