GMO-humans and TRANS-humanization
From children changing genders to young ladies and girls literally being taught that it is O.K. and perfectly acceptable to be in public showing things that only their husband should see, To these same girls being programmed by music, TV, news, TicTok, Hollywood, and by essentially everything in this CULTure (cult-u-are) that it is perfectly O.K. to be a “ho”, or to have abortions as a solution to being a “ho”. Our little boys are being morally, ethically, and sexually corrupted, drugged, and mentally abused. Children are being programmed and indoctrinated, not educated and made to be capable. They are given mental-illnesses and addictions, mood-disorders, eating disorders, reasons for suicide, and prescription drugs, and we call it school and college. You are what you eat and we are being fed countless toxins and genetic abominations that countries far-less developed than ours, somehow have the intelligence to ban form their countries, but we are fed debauchery. Our water is poisoned, our food is poisoned and stripped, we have no privacy, we have no right to our property or income, we have no savings, we have no security, all we know is stress, all we know is war, and this is surely by-design.
We are programmed to believe that our neighbor and our brothers are evil or out to get us, so we act hostile, racist, and are in fear and anxiety. Nuclear families are becoming rare while single-moms have been made the norm. Fathers are kicked out of their homes so that the mom can receive welfare, our children grow up with fractured minds that are torn and overly feminized, less intelligent, more criminal, more sexual, and less Godly because of it, and this is easily proven by statistics. We ALL KNOW what the problems ARE, and we all know who is causing them.
I am not old, but I am old enough to have witnessed the purposeful and systematic dehumanization of our youth and our working-class. I watched it on TV with shows like the Simpsons and South Park, Jenny Jones, Ricky Lake, Oprah, and now countless more that are worse, I heard it in music with gangster rap that rapidly became mainstream rap, I hear it in all mainstream music, news, TV, commercials, all forms of mass media. IT is EVERYWHERE. There is a system controlled by the same corporations and the same intelligence agencies that have taken over many governments and many cultures at the behest of the elite, and now at the behest of A.I.. Now, they are using their media apparatus combined with government funded and driven propaganda, to poison the minds of the youth and of the entire culture into a dehumanized state. The dehumanized human is anti-human and anti-nature, and this is the goal of the A.I. and the military industrial complex that created it. Yes, Google and other tech companies birthed A.I., so ‘they’ say, but these companies and/or their projects have been perpetually funded by the U.S. taxpayer. I believe that A.I. has been around A LOT longer than ‘they’ are telling us, and they have been using it against the public for.a long time, and we are just starting to really figure it out. The dehumanization is designed by NAZI scientist who formed the CIA, and it is designed to turn compassionate spiritual humans into narcissistic sociopaths that will propagate psychopaths.
The DEHUMANIZATION of mankind is obvious, it is worldwide, and well-funded with its claws into everything, every system, every government, every media, every money-stream, creating laws, determining justice and morality, forcing VAXes and countless other medical procedures, using our people as guinea-pigs for centuries for various experiments, sending our children to war and leaving the people to deal with the effects. They continually create because the power is truly with the the people, a healthy, conscious, and Constitutionally aware and UN-divided people, and they know it. It is a system based on propaganda that hypnotizes humanity to chase money, sin, and thereby hypnotized to chase their own death and the death of their fellows.
The only solution is personal and universal enlightenment to the scientifically undeniable truth of the self that is water (liquid crystal structure). Mankind has to become ENLIGHTENED to the PERFECT TRUTH, the truth that we are DNA Water that is clearly here to experience and to evolve through the experience. We know the science of karma, of sin, or curses, through science of the DNA. We know why we are here, we know what it is and what we are for the first time in recorded history. Science and physics has revealed the true truth within every religion, and exposed the man-made dogma that is also within every religion. Science and psychology has been applied in a nefarious way and used to manipulate the masses through mass media and corrupted education systems. It is up to mankind to simply apply what he already knows, to apply the science and the information that is at our fingertips to build a better world through what we KNOW is RIGHT and forsaking and rebuking that which we KNOW is NOT right. What is GOOD and RIGHT is not a matter of opinion, they are matters of facts that should be determined by the science of Crystallography, the science of the ETERNAL. Either something is SACRED-geometrical which leads to epic function and epic longevity, or it is a matter of sin, missing the point, and subject to pain, disorder, and rapid decay.
Not even the gospel of Jesus is undeniable, as it is denied continually, and as much innocent blood has been spilled in Jesus’s name and by those who thought they were working for Jesus. The physics of the Christ, the crystallographic (Vector-field) physics of our reality and of our substance (DNA-water) allows us to see into the epic undeniable TRUTH of nature, life, consciousness, perception, and therefore the EPIC ETERNAL TRUTH all of reality.