TREE of the KNOWLEDGE of the JUDGEMENT of Good and Evil
The Tree of Life is PERFECTION in the Garden, and without the Tree of Life, mankind has been left to FALL victim of his own fear, confusion, lies, laws, and false JUDGEMENT and the subsequent forms of mental illness and social derangement that follow. Jesus said Forgive them Father for they know NOT what they do, and that HIS people were dying from the LACK of KNOWLEDGE. So knowledge isn’t the problem, it is the lack of Knowledge that leads into false JUDGEMENT.
The TRUTH, the True knowledge of this reality is that it is ORDAINED. It is being MANIFESTED through processes that we can only recently glimpse through Quantum Physics, and our judgement of the actions of the all-encompassing all-knowing, all-manifesting creator commonly known as God, has to begin and conclude with the KNOWLEDGE that IT is doing what IT desires. IT and what IT desires is FAR-beyond our human brain’s capacity. We must conclude that the power and the agenda of the MIND, the programmer and the manifestor of the Universe IS a PERFECTION that we can only begin to glimpse.
KNOWLEDGE V.S. FAITH. Our KNOWLEDGE can lead us to perfection, enlightenment, to Christ, but it is far more likely to lead to depression, mental illness, dependency, confusion and to rapid recycling. Knowledge grows as a Tree, and relates that we cannot even begin to JUDGE others, our world, our universe, our place in the universe, ourselves, and surely NOT our God until one’s Knowledge has matured. After Enlightenment, which is the natural state of the mature human, one can understand all and will judge ALL as PERFECT. We can have a practical scientifically accessed and correlated knowledge of the Grand-scheme of Perfection, or we can simply live our lives with the Faith that Jesus asked his disciples to have and to teach. The disciples could not comprehend Perfection on a scientific or intellectual level, because there was no science and they were fishers of men, not intellectuals. So Jesus asked them to have an unwavering FAITH in the PERFECTION that they witnessed through him. NOT a FAITH in him, a FAITH in the Father BECAUSE of the PERFECTION of the Father that was witnessed through HIM. ‘If you have seen me, then you have seen the Father’.
Humans are the Judgement-Day-devices. We are judging everything and anything that we see or hear almost instantly. We like it or we don’t, its seen as valuable or not, and our decisions are driven by pleasure. We are endorphin addicts and we are rapidly judging our way through this life seeking dopamine hits. We are not perceiving or understanding our reality, and we are judging things as Good simply because they are pleasurable, and as bad or evil if they are not to our immediate satisfaction or preference. We are not considering the PERFECTION in ALL and this drives us to hostility, anger, remorse, revenge, and countless other incoherent and false emotions and actions. Emotions that blind the judge (self), a judge that is driven by petty beliefs, inept intelligence, petty emotions and infantile understanding of the infinite nature, the omnipresent plan, and the epic all-encompassing reality of God and of 1 as God.
Christ, the Tree Of Life, the PERFECTION of ENLIGHTENMENT is the ONLY judge, and this is what the true nature of the Bible is trying to unfold. The Christ or lack of, the Crystal-water or the lack of it, the PERFECTION or lack of, the ENLIGHTENMENT or lack of IS the JUDGE of every aspect of this reality, including the life of the SOUL.
The WAY the TRUTH, and the LIFE, AND the LIGHT
Water is the WAY. Through Water, we live and are given the capacity to know self and our creator. The flows, energetics, and the crystallographic STRUCTURAL potentials, the ‘Messages written in Water’ show us the WAY. The WAY is also known to Buddhists as the PATH, and the PATH leads to the ENLIGHTENMENT of the Bodhi Tree, the Tree Of Life, the Perfection, the Christ.
“Be like Water my friends”. -Bruce Lee
The TRUTH is written in STONE. The Truth is PERFECTION and perfection is written as GEM, and is written in GEM. The TRUTH is GEM. Impermeable, hard, permanent, epic, noble, sought-after, the most valuable things on Earth and in the cosmos, power-packed and perfect. GEMS are the perfect physics, the perfect math, the perfect science that embodies the nature of nature, the nature of ALL, God. All of these attributes and more are of GEM and of the TRUTH. The TRUTH IS GEM and GEM is PERFECTION.
The LIGHT is the STONE that the TRUTH/GEMS are written within. QUARTZ is the Earth and Quartz is the light through it’s almost magical and perpetual piezoelectric photon and ionic emission. Quartz is the crystal of OPTICS. because it coheres LIGHT. Quartz improves the energetic structure of the waves of light that pass through it. Passing normal white light through Quartz will yield one of the promises of God, the RAINBOW that God gave to Noah. The roots and the basis of the Tree Of Life technology, the classic-Vogel crystal is a specialized Quartz-cut that coheres light in a more dynamic way than any other Quartz cut or potential known. The fully fruited Tree combines the GEMS into the inside of the Quartz Tree Of Life Rods. Within the ARC Vogel Crystal® is set the TRUTH, 12+ GEMS that are a rainbow and represent the Promise of the Rainbow, but moreover, the 12-GEMS are representative of the structural physics of the universe that were the 2nd Promise that God gave to mankind through the 12-Tribes of Israel.
The LIGHT of GEMS creates frequencies that are not available from any other light-source. Frequencies and coherent harmonies of light, energetic structures, that are testable and energetic patterns that not yet testable. Many scientists believe that Quartz itself is producing a light that is not detectable by classical testing tools. The light of GEMS gives us the technology known as a LASER, and also gives us the technology that is called the Tree Of Life.
The Tree Of Life technology exposes ALL Biblical, religious, spiritual, moral, and scientific dilemmas, quandaries, metaphors, and parables in and of this realm.
The LIFE is Christ, the LIFE is the Tree of Life, the LIFE is PERFECTION.
We exist in a matrix, a construct, that construct is perfect and is doing what the construct’s creator designed and thus what the creator desires. We are all 1 with and in the construct, our relation to this construct/universe/world is an action of mind and judgement. How we judge ourselves, our reality, our relations, our relatives, and our God, directly relates to the LEVEL of consciousness, the level of ENLIGHTENMENT, the level of CHRIST and understanding that we have about the cause and nature of our universe/construct. Through either the Tree Of Life that is FAITH, or the Tree Of Knowledge itself, either way we must come to acknowledge, understand and then to LIVE PERFECTION. This is both the natural state of the mature human, and the destination of the natural evolution of consciousness, but there are many men that are purposefully attacking nature and our natures as ENLIGHTENED. The STRESS, the SLAVERY, the CONFUSION, the perpetual STRUGGLE, all caused by people that continually form governments that always become corrupt. We form the walls, we form the bars and the chains that imprison each other. We choose governments that perpetually enslave through terror, propaganda, poisons, extortion, tax-schemes, manipulating economies, and debt-schemes, and more. Jesus said that his people were ‘dying from the LACK of KNOWLEDGE’, and the knowledge that is written on this page will elevate the consciousness and the karma of mankind once it is delivered unto man and mankind.