I can only begin to express the breadth and the scope of how Moses’s LAW has affected mankind, and still affects mankind to this very day.
The Bible story of the book of Exodus relates that upon hearing that Moses was experiencing such extensive troubles and stress as he tried to lead the newly-freed Israelites, Moses’s Father-in-LAW JETHRO convinced Moses that he needed to start a government and that his brother Aaron should lead it. This GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE and system was not ordered or ordained by God, Moses and Jethro simply decided and then had a feast where sacrifices were made and offerings were given, sealing their deal in blood without the order or word from God.
The Bible recounts that JETHRO was a ‘priest of Midian’. Other historical references relate that JETHRO was actually a HIGH Priest, and that priests of Midian were BABYLONIAN/CANAANITE Priests. Moses made a deal with a DEVIL and God had to adjust to Moses’s plan, Moses’s flawed intention, and thereby Moses’s KARMA that he reaped. God then told Moses how to build the Breastplate of Aaron, telling Moses to take the 12-GEMS from the 12 Tribes to make the Breastplate. This effectively stripped the Israelites of their inheritance, from the PROMISES that were given to them by God. Understanding the Tree Of Life technology uncovers the TRUTH of TRUTHS and of the walk and karma of Moses. The Karma of his LAW which we still suffer today.
I believe that God provided the design and gave the order to combine the 12-GEMS of the Tribes into the BREASTPLATE of Aaron because God was trying to ensure that the leader that Moses and Jethro chose, would be continually reminded and positively influenced by the 12-GEMS that represented the 12-Tribes. Aaron and the High-priests after him, would carry the 12-Tribes on their hearts. God was trying to ensure that the leader of his chosen people would keep the Tribes close to his heart, and not forget, forsake, or misuse his children in the hierarchy that MOSES chose and created without permission from God. The Bible’s narrative reveals that God didn’t order it, rather God was yielding to and responding to Moses’s free-will action that was taken because of Moses’s FEAR, laziness, doubt, lack of FAITH, and through having NO knowledge of what was to come.
MOSES, his Rabbis, and or other Rabbis wrote the books of Moses, the TANAK, the first 5 books of the Bible. So no matter what the author(s) wrote, the level of influence that God provided Moses and the Children of Israel is left to a matter of statements in the texts, and of faith. Many scholars and archeologists have strong doubts as to whether Moses even existed, and if the TANAK is not just a fictional story based on other heros and legends. It is very clear that a man, but far more likely several MEN wrote the Books of Moses. I say this because I am not sure exactly how much Moses knew about the ROD that he carried, or if he knew that he carried the ROD of the TREE of LIFE. What is clear is that whoever wrote the story of Moses, did as much to purposefully reveal the reality of the ROD technology, as they did to purposefully hide it and to confuse seeker of the RODS, to throw them off of the trail to the Tree Of Life.
Moses had the ROD of God, the Rod of the Pharaohs who were called gods, the basis of the Tree Of Life technology, and Moses was also given the 12-GEMS. It can be safely and logically understood that the original TABLETS that God gave to Moses, the Tablets that Moses broke into countless pieces before he even read them. Those original Tablets likely contained simple directions on how to combine the GEMS within the Classic Vogel ROD of God, and the TRUTH of what it IS, WAS, and will be. This is the original GIFT to ADAM, the father of the 12-Tribes, and if it was not for Moses’s laziness, unwillingness, wanting to take short-cuts, anger, and FEAR, the 12-Tribes and mankind would have had the TREE of LIFE since then. The Bible states that God gave him the ROD, that God gave them the GEMS, and the TABLETS that Moses broke could only logically be the instructions the build, received, and to know the inheritance of the children of God and of Adam.
After Moses broke the Tablets, God warned him and then told Moses to carve new Tablets and to write what Go had told Moses days before. WE DID NOT RECEIVE THE MESSAGE FROM THE TABLETS THAT MOSES BROKE and a list of ideal human natures became the LAW OF MOSES. The LAW of Moses is FLAWED, flawed to a degree that it can be used to charge and to hang innocent men, such as when the Children of Moses/Israel used the LAW of Moses to deny, to charge, and then to execute Jesus the Christed.
Moses’s refusal or inability to complete the TREE OF LIFE tech and to give it to the children of Israel is the greatest religious and spiritual crime and blunder in history. The denial of Jesus the Christ as both the Messiah and the Tree Of Life is the 2nd greatest religious/spiritual blunder in history.
The Christ/TRUTH is ALL there is, and ALL will come to the TRUTH, in this life of after.