Rev. Dr. Apollo S.
I found the Rock, it is GEMSTONE, it is the Tree Of Life, and I build The Church upon it.
I found the Rock, it is GEMSTONE, it is the Tree Of Life, and I build The Church upon it.
Water is Life, and Dr. Apollo has shown that Water creates consciousness in the book: WATER CODES
The Biblical Tree Of Life has been discovered and has returned to mankind “for the Healing of the Nations”
Nicola Tesla believed that Quartz Crystal are ALIVE and are CONSCIOUS LIVING BEINGS.
We are the GEMS. We are the Church. We are 1 through God, with God, in God. Nothing more and nothing less. We are the Tree Of Life. This is PERFECTION!
Whether Christ actually lived, whether he was a man or God, whether he was the son of God, all of these questions and more are absolutely MOOT points if we understand that the word Christ was NOT Jesus’s name and how the CHRIST has always been everyone’s potential. Jesus was ISA bin Yosef, Isa the…
The code of man, the code of life, the code of the Bible are the same: The quest for and the grasp of the Tree Of Life.
Eden=Atlantis so the Great Crystal Firestone of Atlantis was Eden’s Tree Of Life