The God in all, the confusion in all, and the Devil in all.

I believe that I (Dr. Apollo S.) have discovered the true psychological triune basis of human consciousness. The “Adam-Eve-Lilith”-complex relates the true archetypes of the human nature.

EVERY human being that has lived since Adam, has had these 3 archetypes within them, even Jesus. Whether man or woman, you are and everyone embodies these 3-spirits, these 3-natures. A key to the Perfection of mind is to understand and to amplify or to subdue the undesirable natures of these 3-beings/natures in self and in others. This is the key to the mind, of mind-control, knowing self, knowing others, and apotheosis. It is the way to see into the PERFECTION of the dynamic human psyche that though only based on 3 variable, it has confounded mankind since the beginning. Now we have the keys, and I offer this through the ministry and through the Church Of Perfection.


There are ADAMIC men and also very Adamic women. Chemically, Adam can be seen as being Testosterone, but there is much more to life and reality than chemistry.

There are NO pictures of Adam that reflect his genius or physical prowess. Adam is dogmatically pictured as some-sort of broken man, ashamed, defiled, weak, sniveling, and disheveled. The fact is that Adam was known in Egypt as Thoth, and Thoth was the most long-lived, strongest, most intelligent, and most accomplished being in history. Adam’s TRUE nature is revealed through the being called Thoth. Thoth was said to be the god of so many thing that it is mind-boggling, but since Thoth was Adam and Adam was the Son and Proxy of the 1 True God, both being the reason that the Earth and the entire universe was created, then it is easy to understand why Thoth and thereby Adam would be the God of the Earth, the sun, the moon, language, art, music, science, sport, building, architecture, writing, math, and much more. Thoth’s attributes and epithets were eventually split and given to dozens of other fictional gods of Egypt, but that does not negate the fact of who Thoth was and is. Thoth was Adam, we are Adam, but also Eve and Lilith.

Adam was a builder, a student of nature, a linguist, an athlete, a hunter, a gatherer, a farmer, a mathematician, a physicist, a lover, a fighter, and literally ALL of the the things and all of the qualities that makes a man and mankind great. ADAM was/IS The TRUTH, he was/is God in form.

ADAM was/IS:

  • the son of God
  • the reason for creation
  • Father and father of mankind
  • the axis-mundi
  • genius
  • scientist
  • inventor
  • architect
  • engineer
  • athlete
  • discoverer
  • visionary
  • teacher
  • student
  • worker
  • naturalist
  • mentalist
  • quantum-physicist
  • warrior for good
  • winner even in loss
  • champion even in defeat

These attributes and more were not attributes of any other species of man before the ADAM-man.

ADAM is the LOGIC, the REASONING, the ‘higher-mind, the enlightened, the builder, the GENIUS, the TRUTH of the nature of the Love of God that is within us ALL.

Jesus the Christ embodied the true Adamic nature. Nicola Tesla maybe my best modern example, but characters such as Mr. Spock, Superman, and NEO (after Trinity passed), and few others have embodied pure Adamic Qualities. Even Superman had a bit of Eve in him as he chased Lois knowing inside that it could never work. Neo fought against his self and looked for his twin/Eve until realizing that she too was only for the Evolution of his consciousness, then he accepted his role as the Savior that Adam/Christ IS. Mr. Spock was highly ADAMIC. Like Tesla, he was highly logical and celibate, but unlike Tesla’s naivety (Eve), and Tesla’s devil (Lilith) that was inside of him, Mr. Spock did not feel the need to impress the government or to become rich or famous amongst the people from inventions that would surely be used to create weapons, death, illusion, separation, and to lower consciousness.


  • ENKI
  • and countless other historic and religious names for the 1st God-man who ALL fit the archetypes and carry the Epithets of the one called ADAM.

CODE WORDS: ADAM is the ION, and seemingly EVERY word that contains “ION” relates to the dynamic, masculine, energetic potential that is the ADAM in ALL. Adam’s son, through his clone Eve was Able, so ABLE was ADAM. Every word that contains ABL or ABEL relate to the Son of Adam who was Adam and who was also ABLE to do ANYTHING because he was the pure son of the Son of God/Adam.



LILTH was Adam’s first wife and the mother of Cain. Bible authors and translators purposefully hid the being, role, and nature of Lilith in several quiet, quaint, and creative ways. Lilith is referred to as she ‘Wise old Serpent in the garden’, the Screeching Owl, the Hyena, Ashera, and more symbolic and coded references to her and her archetype in the Biblical text. The Bible mentions the Lilith directly only once, as a dweller in waste places (Isaiah 34:14), but the characterization of the Lilith or the Lili (in the singular or plural) as a seducer or slayer of children has a long pre-history in ancient Babylonian religion.


  • Child murderer
  • Baby murderer
  • Seductress
  • Sexual deviant
  • MANipulator
  • Succubus
  • Nightmare succubus
  • Trans-gender
  • A “KAREN
  • Not especially artistic or talented
  • A worker-bee who will do anything to be queen
  • Pathological liar
  • Manipulator or men, women, and children
  • Passive aggressive
  • Subtle
  • Conniving
  • Uses systems (police and courts) to abuse others
  • Profits from systems, likely works for ‘the system’
  • More likely to drink alcohol than to do drugs


  • Serpent / Snake
  • Devil
  • Evil
  • Satan
  • The DRAGON
  • “The Harlot”
  • “The Whore”
  • The Mother of Babylon”
  • “Mother of Demons”
  • “Mother of Whores”
  • “Mother of Lies”

Like a snake, Lilith can be beautiful, sexy, sensual, seductive, and wise, and it seems calm and is quiet, never showing it’s evil until it has made its decision to strike. Everyone has the devil inside, and this is LILITH, and evil expresses itself in seemingly infinite ways. These are the base-line traits of Lilith, and yes, women naturally exude these traits more than men, but remember, we are simply and ultimately ALL varying combinations of the 3 Archetypes.

The 3 archetypes are in love and also at war with each other, the war is in our minds and it is ceaseless until one conquers. Which architype rules you, which archetype rules the world?

I see Lilith archetype as the ‘wise’ Madame who always tempts EVE into profiting herself by MANipulating men/Adam(s) through systems of debauchery that Lilith or Lilith-types are in charge of and profiting from. EVE is always tempted and systematically becomes the whore. Eve was naively aspiring to attain her dream, to pay her tuition or save some money for her future, but through her desires, Eve is always corrupted. Eves are perpetually and continually corrupted into ‘eating’ and thereby becoming the sins and the mentality of Lilith. It is a systemic poison that takes over the mind and body after just one bite from the snake or from the systemic poison within the knowledge/apple of the serpent Lilith. Eve is always mentally, psychically, and spiritually traumatized, changed and corrupted by being manipulated by Lilith and selling her body, mind, and her soul (to the devil). Eve(s) always looses her soul to Lilith and her systems.

I see Lilith as the profiting nurse at a ‘Planned-Parenthood’ clinic who is experienced and highly capable of manipulating countless young naive EVE-types, and then manipulates them into killing their child so that the Nurse/Lilith in her Lilith-System can profit from and even feed energetically from the sacrifice of ABEL, Eve’s child. It is the same old game from the same Old Serpent, as the Bible called LILITH, the Devil. Throughout all of recorded history, evil has always been associated with cults or religions of baby-eaters, soul-eaters, baby killers, virgin and baby-sacrificing cannibals.

As the devil, as the Wise-Old-Serpent, Lilith is SUBTLE, wise, manipulating, cunning, often beautiful, and she doesn’t have to go out of her way to tempt and manipulate, because it is her nature. Lilith prefers to sit at the gates as a gate-keeper to every place and to every system that is un-holy and debaucherous. Lilith is feminine, so she has a resonance with and influence to women, but has a definite hold of and a psychological possession of men who exist as feminine, lying, greedy, self-serving, passive-aggressive Lilith-types also. Lilith sits within all systems and all business where profit is offered to sell your soul, your reality, your potential, you self, your God. This nature, the nature to get what you want out of this life instead of what you deserve or what God intends, this distortion of nature and potential is the simple LIE that is the devil-Lilith. That LIE and this LIAR intends to and will destroy mankind IF PERFECTION/ENLIGHTENMENT is not achieved by mankind.

Joe Biden, Jimi Kimmel, Bill Mahr, Steven Colbert, Jeffery Epstein, Bill Clinton, and Lil Nas X are prime examples of LILITHS and who relish in embodying LILITH. As a man or as a woman, LILITH is MANipulating, greedy, feckless, pathologically lying, soulless, feminine, trans and trans loving, a thief, hypocritical, who constantly create debauchery and profiting from the confusion, trauma, stress, and the subsequent mental and physical illness of America and mankind.


Systems of money, banking, power, control, law, courts, crime, punishment, education, LILITH has even taken over ADAM’S medical system. Lilith is a thief who is a succubus to Adam’s genius and his work, and attempts to take all things that are Holy, things that are ADAM’s. This is why the Owl of Minerva, a symbol of Lilith represents the educations system, is seen in banking systems, is hidden on the dollar bill, and is a symbol associated with court and legal systems worldwide.

Lilith/Satan/SYSTEMS are the polar opposite, antithesis of FREEDOM. Just as TRUTH, FREEDOM is a truly universal construct and thereby is another name of God.


It seems that most every, if not every single representation or history of the characters that are known simply as Lilith, have been shape-shifters and gender-benders (for lack of a better term). Maybe ‘gender-shifter’ might be more apropos, but the fact is that the characters known as Lilith were able to shape-shift from male to female. It gets complicated, but the simplest way to see this is that sometimes the ‘Devil’ is rendered artistically as a man, and sometimes SHE is rendered correctly as a woman, but sometimes, as in the case of ‘Baphomet’, the devil is a Trans-gender. A simple google image-search of the term: ‘the snake on the Tree of knowledge’, will expose the fact that artists have often portrayed the serpent on the Tree as being a woman.

The Priests of Lilith/Ishtar are men who dress as women, and that is the origin of the Drag-queen, or the DRAGON QUEEN. The top priests would castrate themselves, so it should be no wonder as to why Bruce Jenner became more famous as Caitlin than he ever was as Bruce, and why young boys such as Dwayne Wade’s transgender son are being promoted to the top of social hierarchy and promoted as the pinnacle of human evolution. It is no wonder why many feel that Michelle O, and Taylor S. are men who are Trans and have been promoted to to the top of society because they play this demented and thereby an evil mind-trick on the subconscious that knows the truth. Dwayne Wade, like Bruce Jenner, was a symbol of an Adamic-Alpha man, but both of them were turned into high-priests of Lilith by their wives who are what I call “gamma-Liliths”, extremely contagious radioactive Liliths that dement and kill all life that they are in the vicinity of.


Other historic names for Lilith include, but are NOT limited to:

  • Seshat (Thoth’s wife)
  • Sekhemet (Ptah’s wife)
  • Ashera (Bibical and Babylonian)
  • Ishtar
  • Inanna (Sumerian Mesopotamian)
  • NANNA (Sumerian Mesopotamian)
  • SAMAEL (Apocraphia & Catholic)
  • LAKSHMI (Hindu)
  • Devil (Abrahamic religions)
  • Satan
  • Evil (World religions)



For the money, for the greed itself, for the power, for LUST, for notoriety, for sovereignty from logic/Adam, for this, she is The Whore that lives a perpetual LIE. The Whore of Babylon who perpetually runs from her husband, from her truth, from her self, and continually defies God’s pleas to return. She runs first from Adam, then she runs from her own curse, her own sin, her own karma. She is rouge corrupt-LIbretas, the corrupt liberated female, the classic and modern “Feminist”. Most feminist know that LILITH is the ‘Patron-Saint’ of feminists, but most feminists do not know who Lilith really was, what Lilith represents, or what Lilith really IS.


Lilith IS the genetic ‘Devil’ that is INSIDE of all men and women. She is the “WORLD”, as Jesus called the nature and embodiment of sin on Earth. Lilith is the LIE that comes in infinite forms that seduces young men to want to become millionaires and billionaires, realizing and accomplishing nothing good or epic with their lives or their souls. Lilith is the infinite LIE that seduces little girls into believing that they are here to MANipulate men and to use systems to prosper and even to become famous. The naive small-town girl-next-door that goes off to Hollywood to pursue her dream of art and entertainment, who soon ends up on Harvey Weinsteins couch. In this way, Harvey was LILITH, but the WORLD/Lie that tempted Eve to move to Hollywood is the root of the evil that Harvey and others were as they acted in their Lilith mind-state to forever corrupt the young naive aspiring actress/fairy/Eve. Lilith is the WORLD, Babylon, and she is the Babylon within man and woman. the self-serving greedy narcissist within every man and every woman. Lilith comes in all forms, all natures, all colors, and the only question is: how much Lilith is in their blood and in their mind. Yes, there is a bloodline, but the bigger problem is the venom that has infected the world, creating what the Bible calls modern Babylon (America) that corrupts and infects the world with The Whore’s ways. Lilith is a psychopath and intends to create sociopaths.

Lilith is NOT the Whore because of her sexual nature or leaving her husband, or for defiance of her husband, she was The Whore prior to that. Lilith was a Whore when she refused to obey her God and her nature. Lilith ran from the TRUTH and has never stopped, that is what makes her The Whore, the perpetual Whore in the Eyes of God. Feminists adore Lilith because she represents freedom from Patriarchy, but it is clear that Feminists have simply bought into the perpetual LIE that their/this modern world could exist without the men who built it for them and who maintain it for them perpetually. So there is NO comfortable freedom from man, nor is their comfortable freedom from God. If it were comfortable, then there would be no such thing as suicide, anxiety, depression, drug use, alcohol abuse, violence, domestic violence, war, and more. There would be NO such things without the LIE, the actions, and the perpetual karma of the mind of the Whore.


We have to recognize this lie, this serpent. this seduction, this coercion, this manipulation, this devil, this demon, this confusion, this weakness, this lack of empathy/compassion, this lack of Truth/Love, ultimately this FEAR and this (for lack of better term): “PU$$Y” that is in the mind of man and quell it to near eradication. I say for years that the “Devil is a Pu$$y”, always, every time, in every way, whether it be a man or a woman. The Pu$$y within that drives the FEAR, that shoots another man in the back, that creates wars, that causes drama. Always has been, since Lilith was too much of a Pu$$y to do what she knew was right, and since that Pu$$y CAIN hit ABEL with a weapon. The Pu$$y is the jealousy, the envy, the greed, the lust and the FEAR that drives people to defy what they know in their heart is right. IT is the same in everyone and every being, it is the devil inside and the devil is always a Pu$$y.


Lilith is the EGO, but in order to maintain a body, one must have a bit of the devil/ego inside. Otherwise, like Jesus after he conquered the Devil inside of him on a 40 day fast, he was not present for very-long after that because he did not have an ego that cared to preserve his body. He could have simply shaved his beard and moved to another village, he could have walked away, but he chose to hang as a martyr and to fulfill his Karma as Adam because he was beyond the fear of the ego.

CODE WORDS: LILITH is the LIE, the LES-being (LESBIAN), LILITH is the ILL of this world, the illness of Eve, and all words that contain LI, LE, LA, or IL have relations to LILITH.

EVE, the Mother of ALL Living

The Bible calls Eve: “The mother of all who live”. EVE was everything that Adam was, but in a younger naive perspective. Eve was Adam’s clone, but she was created likely hundreds or even thousands of years after Adam. Eve did not have the intelligence, responsibility, testosterone, and most importantly, the experience that Adam had in his world/Garden/Eden. I see Eve as a sort of young hippy-girl, a naturalist, a herbalist, but also in the perspective or archetype of a somewhat irresponsible wispy airy-fairy artist. Eve was Adam’s reflection, an equal opposite but in a skewed perspective. Eve was Adam’s “help-meet” as the Bible states, and that was, and still is every Eve’s soul’s duty, but Eve (almost) always defies her Adamic nature and becomes a Lilith-type. Eve becomes a LILITH, and this is how Eve falls/Sins every time. The Naive is in everyone, and this is the Serpent’s hold on everyone.

EVE was Adam’s perfect MUSE, a reflection of perfection. This is why she is often an artist of some sort, is very intelligent and a good communicator. Eve was perfect until she chose to move above her husband, trying ot have an experience that he hadn’t. This was the Fall and the Sin of Lilith, not wanting to be below her husband ever, even-though he would put himself beneath her when apropos. Eve Fell because of the same feminist misnomer and ego. Eve was tempted by the more mature and seemingly more put-together woman. A woman with wisdom and experience that swayed and corrupted the naive feminine mind of Eve. This happens every day and I say that it is something that women do to their children almost systematically, especially to their little girls. The LILITH within a mother is passed into her daughter, through genetics and gamma-mentality. Lilith is passed into sons because of the Lilith archetype’s hatred or her insatiable desire to use and manipulate her son.

The Biblical story of Eve eating the fruit from the Serpent/Lilith relates the nature of Eve to grow and morph her being, her morals, her entire mentality to become greedy, narcissistic, manipulating, feminist, sexual deviant, and that influence was the true venom of the Serpent and the effect of eating the poisonous fruit of the Tree Of Knowledge. Eve goes from being a whimsical, youthful, feminine perspective of Adam, into being a form of Lilith, and this makes her KALI. Kali is a Hindu goddess that I have found embodies the archetype of EVE after she ate from the Tree of Knowledge and was corrupted/bitten by the Serpent. Eve becomes a Lilith, a temptor, a manipulator, a succubus, that is bent on devouring the souls of the men that she hates, because Eve becomes Lilith. Kali sports the shrunken-heads of her victims, the men who tried to mate with her. Eve was designed and was supposed to be Adam’s “HELP MEET”. Eve was Adam’s help in his duty to subdue the garden and to multiply, but just as Lilith, Eve defies herself, she defies and defiles her nature and will run from her karma instead of ever admitting that she was wrong to defy her own nature/God.


  • Intelligent
  • Naive
  • More feminine than Lilith
  • Communicator
  • Competitor, more likely to do sports than Lilith
  • Artist
  • Actress
  • Dancer
  • Gardener
  • Herbalist
  • Curious
  • Researcher/studious
  • Motherly
  • Empathic
  • Risk-taker
  • Compassionate
  • More likely to do drugs than Lilith


Jaded, a superficial. narcissistic. insecure. greedy. fearful. MANipulating. man-eating, Histrionic HPD, hostile, abusive, Borderline Personality Disorder BPD, a Sociopath, a pathological liar, a thief, a sexual deviant, a succubus, nihilistic self-sacrificing former version of herself. She looses her art, her talent, her genius, her loving nature, her compassion, her TRUTH, her potentials, her children, her mind, her being.

Lilith and Eve tempt and manipulate men through sexual drugs and sexual addiction, after they get the man addicted, then they play games with his heart, soul, and mind, manipulating him as her victim, she becomes queen and he becomes drone, as she is his venom and his antidote.

Eve is as Adam and Adam is as Pinocchio. The boy who was created who only wanted to be a ‘real boy’, just like the rest of the boys/heathens. Because of this desire, EVE was tempted to eat from the Snake, and because of Adam’s desire to be with his wife, Adam had to be a sinner like his wife. Man fell because man desired to fall. Man knew the consequences and Man also knew that he would get up, that he would rise again. ADAM IS RISING, re-awakening from our concussion.

Eve may attain wealth or even fame from eating the proverbial apple, but Eve looses her soul, she looses her own nature every time. Eve becomes the VICTIM of the world/Lilith, but in Eve’s Lilth/poisoned/corrupted frame of mind, Eve blames ADAM, men, and the patriarchy for her trauma and subsequent mental illness that are the result of her believing the LIE of the World, of Lilith/Satan.

Modern Eves who have turned into Liliths: Hillary Clinton, Beyonce, Kim Kardassian, Cardi-B, Brittany Spears, and countless others who have had the corruption of their purity turned into a public spectacle of debauchery and hatred.

CODE WORDS: ALL words that contain EV or EVE in them relate to EVE, the mother of all who LIVE. EVIL, that is EVE’S ILL. EVEN, things are never even because Eve’s son Abel was killed. Ever, because this is forEVEr.